Hao Zheng

I’m on the job market now. Feel free to reach out if you’d like to chat!

I am currently a final-year PhD student in ILCC at the University of Edinburgh. My supervisor is Prof. Mirella Lapata.

I am broadly interested in natural language processing and machine learning. My recent research interests focus on the following topics:

  • Semantic Parsing: bridging the gap between human languages and formal/programming languages to enable interaction with machines via human languages.

  • Compositional Generalization: endowing neural networks with compositionality for better generalization in downstream NLP tasks such as semantic parsing and machine translation.

selected publications

  1. Real-World Compositional Generalization with Disentangled Sequence-to-Sequence Learning
    Hao Zheng, and Mirella Lapata
    ACL 2023, Findings
  2. Disentangled Sequence to Sequence Learning for Compositional Generalization
    Hao Zheng, and Mirella Lapata
    ACL 2022